Sunday, March 16, 2008

Double Standards Double Speak

Just take a look at The Sunday Star, 16 March 2008, front page headlines: "MB Mystery" here we have the PM and UMNO pitting against the Perlis Royalty on the who would be appointed as the new Menteri Besar of Perlis.

And then we had Mr. Lim Kit Siang, opposing the appointment of PAS MP as a Menteri Besar of Perak. We have UMNO crying out and politicizing protest that DAP is disrespecting the royalty.

Clearly we have the a situation where the Pot is calling the Kettle black. Is there a difference? So when the opposition objects, they are disrespecting the royalty. And if UMNO objects it is okay?

Come On! This is so "in-your-face" double standard that the BN/UMNO is practicing; frankly we are sick of BN/UMNO double standards.


Helen said...

On Sunday there was a protest by 200 odd (rumored to be paid) people in Ipoh Padang showing discontentment for LKS.

200 odd only there were already media and TV coverage??! Remember the toll protest sometime back? Total blackout.

That is why I don't even bother to buy the newspaper. :-)

CK said...

then when tganu 22 assemblymen threaten to boycott the swear-in ceremony, it's to respect the mandate given by the rakyat.

it didn't surprise anyone at all now. they play the game they set their own rule.

no eye c. hope it will rot to its demise.