Saturday, March 08, 2008

Malaysia Votes Today!

Well most of us will vote, I did, and if you are a Malaysian of voting age. I hope you did too. For our future.

We have been receiving various "threats" from BN, stating lack of representation of races will be bad for the respective race. Thats the whole problem if you ask me. We have a government who is racist in nature; dividing the peoples by ethnic origins. Why cant we have a government that does not take race into consideration in terms of aid, and development for the community? Must everything be so colored?

If a leader base his actions on race and forms biased policies, then he does not deserve to be a leader. He would be a bad leader for the country. This country does not consist of a single ethnic group.

Well, I have ranted long enough; lets see what happens by end of the very long day for some of us. Do we return the despots to power? If we do we deserve the government we get. And for those who don't want to vote, shame on you - you deserve the government you get, and what more you loose your right to complain.

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